Privacy Policy Medipro

Compañía Europea de Productos Médicos, S.L. guarantees the full compliance of the rules referring to the Personal Data Protection and, according to the LO 15/1999, the client or user is informed and gives consent to the incorporation of his data on the existing automatic files in the Company and to the automatic treatment of the same, including those which the Company may have access to due to the navigation on this website, in order to send commercial communications, commercialize products, maintain the contractual and management relationship, with the goal to adapt the commercial offers to the client's or user's particular profile and to make, in each case, valuation models, guaranteeing always the right to know the criteria and programs used. The receivers of such data will be the commercial and technical services of Compañía Europea de Productos Médicos, S.L..


The client or user has the right to confront the treatment of any of his data which is not essential to the compliance of the contract and its use for any purpose different from the maintenance of the contractual relationship, being optional the responses it might give to the questions outside of the contract.
The client or user is also informed about the possibility to exert the access rights, rectification, cancellation and opposition, within the terms established in the current legislation, being able to use any of the communication channels of Compañía Europea de Productos Médicos, S.L., by using the customer service phone number: +34 916 16 58 14, or by sending us an e-mail to or, most frequently, through the method usually used by the client. The department responsible for the automatic files is the Administration Department of Compañía Europea de Productos Médicos, S.L. en Parque Empresarial Villapark, Avda. Quitapesares, 8 Nave 8, 28670 Villaviciosa de Odón - Madrid (Spain), which can also be addressed by ordinary mail in case it is considered necessary.


The client or user accepts that his data might be handed over, exclusively for the goals specified in the first paragraph, to other entities of the Compañía Europea de Productos Médicos, S.L.. As well, the client or user agrees to Compañía Europea de Productos Médicos, S.L. or the referred societies sending information to him regarding the goods and services provided. The acceptation by the client or user for its data to be used or handed over according to what is established in paragraph one, is always revocable, without retroactive effects, in conformity to what is disposed in the articles 6 and 11 of the Organic Law 15/1999 (Ley Orgánica 15/1999) of the 13th December.

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